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Writer's pictureLinda Borromeo

"Where Are My Sparkles?" Dealing with Creative Comparisons

"Each of us has something to give that no one else has."

As I took a walk around my favorite lake, I snapped a quick picture. When I came home and checked my camera, I found this surprising image:

Real Lake News

The two ducks looking back seem to be asking, "What happened? Where are my sparkles?"

I can identify with those two.

When I become discouraged, thinking others have written better books, designed much more fabulous websites, and instantly received 1,000 comments after every post, I need to remember: each contribution is unique. No one else can bring out my idea, or your idea.

We are each one of a kind—a special creation by God. When I'm outside walking, I see His creativity—the flash of blue when a Steller's jay flies ahead of me; the singing whir of wings flying overhead; even the way the sky opens up and sunshine flashes through the rain here in the Pacific Northwest!

As individuals, we reflect that creativity: a blend of talent, experiences, and surprises each of us can contribute. Every day brings a chance to convey that positive uniqueness in a way that is a gift to express and to share.

Comparisons are always rough on the person doing the comparing. Even the duck with one sparkle might feel inadequate when seeing her companion, who has a whole double trail of light.

Real Lake News

I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well.

Psalm 139:14 NIV

There is a creative place for everyone. ​The two ducks looking back are making some surprising ripples of their own.

Real Lake News

"All creative people want to do the unexpected."

Hedy Lamarr

Hedy Lamarr

More to Explore

You're invited to take a Creative Walk with me. See more quotations and Northwest birds and animals here

"Mystery Shores" by Linda Borromeo

In Linda's novel, Mystery Shores, Christie and Melina must uncover a dangerous secret or lose everything that is important to them. Their quest leads to a remote lighthouse island along the misty Washington coast in 1893.

When not writing, Linda enjoys reading, hiking and nature-watching in the Pacific Northwest.

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